
Dental Checkup at Springvale Dental Clinic
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CDBS Expected to close by the end of the year

It is increasingly likely that the Child Dental Benefits Schedule will close on 31 December this year. Amendments to the Dental Benefits Act 2008, which will close the CDBS and enact its replacement the Child and Adult Public Dental Scheme (CAPDS), are before the House of Representatives, with a vote expected in the next sitting week commencing Monday 5 September. While it is expected these amendments will pass through the Lower House, the make-up of the new Senate means that its passage through that House cannot be predicted with absolute certainty. However, given the Government’s determination to close the Scheme, which it first flagged in March this year, the ADA is urging practices to contact their patients and strongly encourage them to book any CDBS-eligible children in for treatment prior to the advised closure date. An assurance has been given that benefits will be paid for any eligible services provided…
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