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Secrets That Your Tongue Reveals About Your General Health

Believe it or not, your tongue can actually reveal a lot about your general health. Probably, you may not have been staring at it in the mirror much, inspecting its colour and grooves, but maybe you should. You may have wondered why dentists always insist on examining your tongue in the morning before brushing your teeth. Well, we might have an answer for that. Dentists say so because your tongue impacts your overall body health in many ways which you may not understand. The colour of your tongue changes depending on the type of food, drink, and medicines you take. But unusual tongue patterns may also change due to lack of sleep, sicknesses or bacteria. Such tongue pattern changes could also be an indicator of severe underlying health conditions, and in fact, in many cases, they are among the initial signs that something is not right. Here are more additional…
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Add Calcium In Your Diet For Healthy Teeth

Even if you practice proper dental hygiene through brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, you could be missing an essential part of keeping them strong and healthy: your diet. What you eat or drink directly affects your oral health either positively or negatively. Consuming foods that are rich on calcium is one of the easiest ways to keep your teeth strong. Although the enamel is the strongest substance in your body- stronger than even the bone, it is still vulnerable to tooth decay. Since calcium is one of the major components of the tooth, consuming calcium-rich foods and supplements is beneficial to its development. Why Should You Add Calcium to Your Diet? One of the major reasons your teeth love calcium is because it is one of the compounds they are made of. However, calcium components deteriorate as you age. This makes the teeth enamel weak in a way that…
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