
Happy family cleaning teeth with toothbrushes together
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Oral Health Education: Need of Time

Oral health education is a continual process involving imparting knowledge on the importance of oral hygiene to promote good oral health. One of the most overlooked but important aspects of child rearing is oral health education. The oral health of a child is vital from the moment they are born up to adulthood. Pre-teething care Even before the first milk teeth erupt, it is important to start taking care of your child’s oral health. After feeding, it is recommended that you clean your baby’s gums with a damp clean cloth or gauze pad. Additionally, do not put your baby to sleep with any other food or drink other than water. This will ensure that your baby’s mouth stays as clean as possible during sleep, as this is the time when bacteria can cause harm in the mouth. After eruption Once the baby’s teeth erupt, you can now start introducing brushing…
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dental hygiene
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Importance of Good Dental Hygiene

When you trim your toenails or fingernails, they grow back. When you fall and scrape your elbow, scab forms and the skin heals. When you get a haircut, your hair ultimately continues to grow. Our bodies are incredibly resilient, however unluckily we only get one chance with our teeth. When you do not take proper care of your teeth and allow them to decay, they will be stuck that way for the rest of your life. Teeth do not heal or repair themselves. Tooth enamel does not grow back. Any issues or damage caused to the teeth need to be fixed and addressed by a dentist since that problem will not resolve itself. That is why maintaining good dental hygiene is so important. Practicing proper dental hygiene is easy and simple. It only takes a few minutes of your every day,and yet it seems to be something that most people…
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