
Dental Braces
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Dental Braces and Oral Hygiene

Braces are one of the most common teeth-straightening options now. Children and adults alike get braces to have their teeth straightened. While braces will eventually have your teeth straight and enhance your smile, this can be compromised if you don’t take care of your oral health, especially the teeth behind the braces. Oral hygiene, while having braces, is very critical in ensuring your smile is intact when the braces are out. Dental braces and oral health Dental braces and oral health go hand in hand because failure to thoroughly clean your teeth while having braces may bring about other oral health issues. Caring for your teeth beneath the braces will ensure that you won’t need another procedure after taking your braces out. So how do you take care of your teeth while having braces? When you have braces, you will not clean your teeth the same way a person without…
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Dental Abscess
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Know About Diagnosis & Treatment of Dental Abscess!

When bacteria infect the inside of a tooth or gum or the underlying bones that hold the tooth, pus if formed, and this may cause swelling and pain. This is called a dental abscess. A dental abscess in the gum is referred to as a periodontal abscess while that in the root of the tooth is referred to as a periapical abscess. A dental abscess can occur if the tooth is cracked and allows food particles to be lodged inside the tooth, causing bacteria to infect the area. This article takes a look at the diagnosis and treatment of a dental abscess. Diagnosis of dental abscess Diagnosis of a dental abscess usually involves a physical examination as well as a CT scan or a dental X-ray. If the infection is minor (especially if the infection is visible), your dentist may simply physically examine the affected tooth and start treatment. However,…
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