Teeth Whitening – The Effective Cosmetic Dental Procedure

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Effective of Cosmetic Dental Treatment
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Teeth Whitening or Tooth Bleaching is the most common cosmetic dental procedure done by the dentists in Springvale Dental Clinic.

While many teeth whitening options are now available in the market including over the counter products, dentist-supervised teeth whitening treatment method remains the recommended procedures for whitening discoloured teeth at our dental clinic in Springvale. At Springvale Dental Clinic, we use SDI Pola Office /Day / Night kits or Colgate Take home teeth whitening kit.

Teeth Whitening is commonly known as tooth bleaching, which is a non-invasive simple, painless and effective procedure done by the dentists to brighten and whiten your natural teeth.

There are different reasons for whitening the teeth, some of them could be stained teeth due to smoking, medication and fluorosis due to too much fluoride during the tooth formation.

There are two ways to achieve the whitening of teeth:

  • In chair teeth whitening – approximately takes one hour in the chair with the dentist
  • Take home tooth whitening kit – takes about 30 minutes with the dentist.

First appointment with the Springvale Dentist

A thorough examination is done and any restorative work is noted by the dentist. The initial shade is also determined using a shade guide. Any gum recession is restored or fluoride treatment is done. All other fillings are left, till the whitening is finished and then changed after the procedure. Upper and lower impressions of your teeth are taken.

Second appointment with the Springvale Dentist

This involves choosing the teeth whitening procedure. Depending on which teeth whitening procedure you select that can be done at our dental clinic or at home.