What Steps To Follow If Your Baby Is Detected With Tooth Decay

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Baby Tooth Decay
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Neglecting a child’s oral health is one of the biggest mistakes a parent can make. Poor nutrition and lack of teeth cleaning within the first two years of a kid’s life has been related to cases of tooth decay. According to statistics, tooth decay is 5 times more widespread to kids compared to asthma. Also, developing tooth decay in primary teeth also heightens the risk of tooth decay in permanent teeth. Therefore, it is imperative for parents to start teaching their children on good oral hygiene habits to prevent future dental problems when they grow up. However, if your baby has already developed signs of tooth decay, it is not too late to reverse the condition. Here are some few steps to follow once you notice tooth decay on your child.

1. Teach Your Baby How to Brush and Floss Twice a Day

Learning how to brush properly may take some time before the child finally masters the art. A majority of children will continue to need supervision until they are six to eight years old. That means that parents need to develop some measures that will enable their kids to learn how to brush. Such measures include brushing with your kid and establishing a routine. The earlier you start teaching them, the easier it will be for the child to maintain the habit even when they get old.

2. Use the Right Amount of Fluoride Toothpaste

Many parents believe that they should wait until their children are three to four years so that they can start using fluoride toothpaste on them. However, this should not be the case. You should start using fluoride toothpaste on your child but be sure to include the right amount. For children below the age of three, you can use a rice size toothpaste for their brushing. Most children will end up swallowing the toothpaste after brushing. However, don’t worry if they do. The amount is too small to cause any harm to them.

3. Don’t Send Your Child With a Bottle to Bed

Remember, sugar from liquids you give your child using a feeding bottle such as breast milk, formula or juice contain sugars that bacteria will feed on and lead to cavities. The longer these sugars will sit on your child’s teeth, the easier it will be for them to develop cavities. So, if your baby won’t go to bed without a bottle, use water instead of other liquids.

4. Visit Your Kid Dentist

One common myth among most people is that a kid doesn’t need to be taken to see a dentist until they are three or four years. I beg to differ! Kids dentist are trained to detect any cavities as well as other dental complications in children before they worsen. Research has it that when you take your child to see a dentist as early as six months, the chances are that the kid will grow up cavity free.

Bottom Line: Visit Us At Springvale Dental Clinic

Thousands of children in Australia are suffering from the negative effects of tooth decay. Don’t let your child be among the statistics. Visit us at Springvale Dental Clinic with your child and let us kick start them with a healthy smile that they will take to their adulthood. Our kid’s dentist in Springvale will be able to detect early signs of tooth decay and employ appropriate measures to reverse it.