
Cause a toothache
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What are The Most Popular Causes of Toothache?

A toothache is one of the most popular dental problem globally. It is often the top reason why people finally visit the dentist. The pain can be nagging, dull and irritating or acute, intense and crippling. When a toothache strikes, it can cause you so much agony and discomfort that you will be forced to put all your activities on hold. Taking painkillers will only provide you with some temporary relief, but you will need to eventually seek the help of a dentist to identify the root cause and control the problem. For you to control a toothache, you need to know exactly what causes it. Here are the most popular causes for toothache. Tooth Decay Tooth decay often starts as small cavities on the surface of the tooth that is often painless. However, the tooth can become very painful and sensitive after it penetrates to the inner layer of…
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About Dental Implants
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Why Dental Implants are Worth The Cost?

During the old days, people who lost their teeth due to tooth decay, old age, physical injury or any other reason had no option but to live without their teeth or wear dentures that then became loose over time and always seemed to fall out during the most inopportune moments. Additionally, dentures gave people a very hard time as far as speaking and eating were concerned. However, these days’ things have become a lot easier with dental implants. They have given a lot of people a whole new hope as well as a whole new look. A dental implant is an artificial tooth that helps in replacing a tooth that is lost or taken out. They provide the user with a more natural looking smile, support bridges, and crowns and also do not affect the surrounding teeth. Dental implants are strong just like natural teeth, mainly because they fuse with…
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Prepare Tooth Extraction
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As a Patient How Can You Prepare for Your Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are the third and the last set of molars that emerge between the ages seventeen and twenty one. Wisdom teeth can be of much use if only they grow healthily and well aligned if not, they can cause a lot of pain thus obstructing eating and speech. Problems with wisdom teeth can sometimes become unbearable to the extent that they require extraction. If they are ignored, the affected wisdom teeth can lead to further problems and may attract more complicated and costly dental treatments. Therefore, it is important that as soon as you see your first sign of molar, you visit your dentist regularly. If your dentist recommends wisdom teeth removal for you, there is no need to get worried. Wisdom tooth extraction may sound like a frightening experience, but most of this fear is because most people have no idea what the procedure entails. This procedure is…
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